Out of the Blue
Part two
Saskia Coulson & Colin Tennant

The waters of the Solway support a diverse mixed fishery, resulting in local fishermen targeting a range of fish and particularly shellfish species. Fish processing is a major source of employment including large businesses at Annan and Kirkcudbright, as well as smaller smokehouses on the Galloway coast.

The fisheries sector is an important part of the rural economy for the communities of Dumfries and Galloway.
Remote villages with limited employment opportunities including Isle of Whithorn, Port William and Drummore are the base for creel fishermen whose activity reflects the long relationship between people and the sea.

The majority of landings in Dumfries and Galloway are processed locally, as well as shellfish transported into the region, which provides jobs along the coast.
Much shellfish is exported from the region to supply demand in UK cities and the European market.

About the artists
Coulson & Tennant are an award winning photography and filmmaking partnership who use visual storytelling to create artistic, documentary and environmental work for a wide range of clients and organisations as well as personal projects. To do this, they collaborate with many different communities and individuals and draw inspiration from historical, creative and ecological references.
Website: www.wearectproductions.com
Instagram: @c.t.productions