By Bus
Replacing car journeys with public transport can help reduce CO2 emissions by 42% if using the bus and 73% if travelling by train. It all helps with creating a cleaner, greener Scotland.
Dumfries and Galloway Council Bus Timetables
- Dumfries & Galloway Bus and Ferry Timetables
- 500 Dumfries - Newton Stewart - Stranraer Bus Timetables
- 416 Stranraer to Newton Stewart Bus Timetables
- 359 Barrhill to Newton Stewart Bus Timetables
- 415 Newton Stewart to Wigtown Bus Timetables
- 416 Newton Stewart to Wigtown Bus Timetables
- Carlisle to Dumfries
Transport Scotland Free Bus Travel
- Young Persons’ (Under 22s) Free Bus Travel
- Older Persons (60+) Free Bus Travel
- Disabled Persons Free Bus Travel
Bus Tickets
Bus Companies

"Bus stops are far more interesting and useful places to have art than in museums." - Banksy