Do you have photo memories of Wigtown Book Festivals past?
Festival 25 Exhibition

Do you have photo memories of Wigtown Book Festivals past?
Festival 25 Exhibition
To celebrate its 25th year, the festival is looking for photographs taken at the event for an exhibition. We're particularly interested in behind the scenes and informal images - old snaps in an album or drawer or shots taken on a smartphone.
It might be a selfie with a favourite author or a street scene, a record of a dinner, ceilidh or walk, or a photo of a group of friends attending the event. With each image, we're also asking for up to 25 words explaining what's going on and what makes it memorable for you.
With senders' permission, selected images will be projected on a show-reel throughout the festival (22 September - 1 October 2023) in the Iron & Pine Studio, a temporary gallery space outside the County Buildings and also on our website.
How to submit
To submit digital images, please download the editable form here and send it as an attachment to [email protected] alongside any images.
To submit physical photographs we strongly suggest that in the first instance you take a smartphone picture of the original photographs and submit using the editable form.
Please do not send any physical photographs to the festival office without first contacting us. Wigtown Festival Company takes no responsibility for the safe-keeping of any unsolicited images.
Wigtown Festival Company will pay the cost for scanning and converting any physical images selected for the exhibition into digital format. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions.
The Festival 25 exhibition is kindly supported by Iron & Pine. Based in Dumfries & Galloway, Iron & Pine are a leading manufacturer of modular buildings mainly produced by recycling shipping containers.